
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit

Avocado nutrients comprise of proteins in the form of amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E . The minerals found in avocado include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. Avocados are large fruits like pears. They have large seeds surrounded by fatty flesh and a hard shell. Avocado originally came from Central America.  Avocado Nutrition The avocado composition has a number of amazing features. It contains almost as much water and fat as olive oil. Oleic acid is the most common. They also contain phospholipids that are important for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Proteins are in the form of amino acids. Contains vitamins and minerals including A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E and vitamins. Minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. ====================================== Also read  5 Incredible Benefits of Proper Digestion ========================= Benefits of Avocado Health Tips Benefits of eating avocado are many.

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Apricot - Wordplant Living

  Apricots are a good natural source of provitamin A and other nutrients essential for good eyesight. Apricots are believed to have originated in China. It also grows in India and Tibet. Apricots were brought to Europe during the reign of Alexander the Great. American astronauts took apricots to the moon during their travel. Properties Apricots contain several nutrients that have medicinal value. They contain vitamins and minerals. Some notable examples are vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, and E. Minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. They also contain folic acid. Health Benefits of Apricots Vision Apricots contain many nutrients that improve eye health. Well-known examples of these are provitamin A, vitamin C and other powerful antioxidants. Vitamin E, zinc and more. Anemia Apricots contain iron and provitamin A. They play an important role in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

9 Magnificent Health Benefits of Oregano Leaves- Wordplant Living

Oregano (origanum vulgare) is a plant belonging to the Lamyasia family, also known as wild marjoram. The dried leaves and flowering tops are used around the world to add flavor to foods and treat health problems. Nutritional information The oregano plant is rich in medicinally active nutrients. Some of these nutrients are: * calcium * manganese * iron * potassium * folic acid * vitamin K * vitamin E * folic acid * lutein * zeaxanthin * beta carotene * tryptophan * fiber Many of these nutrients help promote health. Fiber, for example, helps improve digestion. Lutein helps protect the eyes and improve vision. Health Benefits of Oregano Natural antibacterial The oregano plant contains several nutrients with antibacterial properties. Some of them are thymol and kavarcol. It is known to help neutralize parasitic infections such as Staphylococcus aureus. Oregano contains several nutrients that are powerful antioxidants. They help protect cells from free radical damage.  Blood sugar control T

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil - Wordplant Living

Black seed or black cumin are practically the same thing and an oil known as black seed oil is extracted from it. This oil and powdered seeds were used very early. It is even mentioned as a remedy in scriptures such as the Quran. They contain a number of medically active ingredients, including powerful antioxidants. Vital nutrients It contains a number of medically active nutrients. These give it a wide range of benefits for almost all of the body's health systems. Some of the important nutrients are: * Iron * Zinc * Phosphorus * folic acid * niacin * thiamine * essential fatty acids * alkaloids * saponins Benefits of black seed oil Resistance support The immune system is made up of cells and organs that help with the protective function of the body. We have trillions of cells in our bodies. The health of these cells is a top priority for maintaining health. Bacteria and viruses sometimes invade these cells, leading to disease. In the case of cancer, some of these normal cells can

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Proper Digestion - Wordplant Living

Digestion is the process that food undergoes right from the time it enters our mouth then the stomach inorder for the nutrients to be able to be absorbed into the body cells. Enzymes and other digestive juices are mixed with this food. These help enhance the breakdown of the food into its smallest components to ease absorption in the small intestinal tract. If the food you eat is not digested properly then it may lead to indigestion problems including constipation and bloating. Health Benefits of A Strong Digestive System There are a number of health benefits that may be derived from the use of the 5 remedies that may improve your digestive health. Some of these are: * Constipation relief * Bloating relief * Diarrhea remedy * Immune enhancement * Healthy gut microbiome * Digestive system health boost How To Improve The Digestive System Health Eat only when you are hungry This practice is important in healthy eating. Hunger is a body signal that the stomach is ready to receive food and