5 Incredible Health Benefits of Proper Digestion - Wordplant Living

Digestion is the process that food undergoes right from the time it enters our mouth then the stomach inorder for the nutrients to be able to be absorbed into the body cells. Enzymes and other digestive juices are mixed with this food. These help enhance the breakdown of the food into its smallest components to ease absorption in the small intestinal tract. If the food you eat is not digested properly then it may lead to indigestion problems including constipation and bloating.

Health Benefits of A Strong Digestive System

There are a number of health benefits that may be derived from the use of the 5 remedies that may improve your digestive health. Some of these are:

* Constipation relief

* Bloating relief

* Diarrhea remedy

* Immune enhancement

* Healthy gut microbiome

* Digestive system health boost

How To Improve The Digestive System Health

Eat only when you are hungry

This practice is important in healthy eating. Hunger is a body signal that the stomach is ready to receive food and perform appropriate digestive activities. The digestive juices are ready to perform their work.

When you eat when you arent hungry then you are out of sync with your body. There are no body signals that its ready to receive food and digest it properly. Its like gate crushing and interfering with other activities that the body senses were focused on. Therefore the food consumed thus enters the stomach too early. It will rest for sometime before the body prepares for what to do with it. The food may end up being poorly digested and converted to fat for storage in the body. This may therefore lead to obesity.

Do not overfill your stomach

When you get hunger pangs, these are signals that your stomach is ready to receive food. When you continue eating there is another signal which many people ignore due to their sensory appetite through e.g sight and smell. This signal is abdominal fullness. Its simply like blowing a balloon with air. There is a point that you must stop blowing in more air. Wisdom must dictate this. Of course beyond that point is disaster – a burst! Your stomach is no different though it is tougher and doesn’t burst. When you overfill your stomach there will be poor digestion. Your body may not be able to produce enough digestive juices to handle the baggage in your stomach. Poor digestion, constipation, bloating and obesity would be the consequence. The food will stagnate in your digestive tract for a longer period of time and even may begin to rot producing foul smell.

Wholesome food consumption

We have heard a lot about wholesome food and refined of processed foods. What is the difference? A whole food is one that contains its full nutrition value as when harvested from the farmland. In other word its like a football team. A whole team must have 11 players. Foods are different and each has its own nutrient team in ratios prescribed by nature. These nutrients actions are interdependent to obtain the best health boosting effects. A refined or processed food is a deficient food whereby some nutrients are lost through the preparation processes. Some of these are necessary inorder to prolong the shelf lives. Whole foods are rich in fiber which plays a major role in effective digestion in the gastroduodenal tract. The gut microbiome also feed on this fiber to help enhance our immune health.

Spices and foods

We have a number of spices that find their way in our delicious dishes. Turmeric, pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, anise, oregano are but just a few. These have been found to increase the production of digestive juices and help promote appetite too. Try them out and see your digestion improve and they also help remedy constipation, bloating etc.

Eat Slowly

We are living in a fast paced world. Everything is all about speed. We seem to have also adopted tis to our meals. People are in a hurry and want fast foods so they can move on to the next thing quickly. Therefore you find that we rarely bite and chew our food slowly feeling its sweet sensations on our palette. Some people eat while walking or even running not to be late to wherever they are going. This kind of behavior denies the food adequate breakdown through chewing in our mouth and mixing with saliva enzymes. When we swallow half chewed food quickly into the stomach, we end up giving it a lot of work to digest. It means the food may need to stay there longer than required. If the digestion is not adequate for that food then we may also not obtain maximum nutrition during absorption time.

Indigested food is not allowed within the small intestine to be absorbed. Along the small intestine about 60% of your immune cells stand on guard not to allow any undigested particle to pass through. If your digestion is always poor then you’ll also be giving your immune system a lot of unnecessary work to battle these undigested particles. Instead of your immune systems energy being focussed on battling bacteria and viruses an amount has to be allocated in patrolling your unhealthy gut. This becomes worse if your gastrointestinal mucous membrane is damaged. The leaks on your gut leads to a condition referred to as the leaky gut syndrome. These leaks may let in undigested particles leading to immune reactions and could also be at the root cause of a number of immune related disorders.


digestive organs, digestive tract, Human digestive system, digestion, digestive system, Digestive system of human body, how digestion works, digestive juices, Small intestine, Large intestine, Oesophagus, gastrointestinal, absorption, colon, bowel, gut, 
